Last Wednesday, 14th October 2009, RESCO organised an open house raya celebration, taking place at Dewan Asrama Perempuan, Kolej Kediaman Siswi. The turnout was unbelievable. Judging by the number of attendance that we received, it can be considered a success compared to last year's. Thanks to those who made an effort to come down to RESCO's raya open house celebration and made this event a huge success.
In our effort to make the simple event a happening one, we organised various quizzes as well as lucky draws with many prizes to be won for the audience to take part in and the response that we received was very very encouraging.
Among the things that RESCO held during the evening was the 'scratch and win' competition whereby there were 2 $5 Easi and 2 $5 recharge cards to be won. Those who can put in the recharge card numbers and recharge the fastest, well, of course, gets his/her account recharged.
The highlight of the evening, Zulkamal won the male's best dress award. Congrats Zul!
More pictures? Macam biasa, ask E-jat or Syaza.
RESCO would once again like to thanks all those who are directly and indirectly involved in making this event a huge success. Hope to see you again in a similar event next year! Andai ada kekurangan atau salah silap pada malam itu, kami memohon seribu kemaafan. Yang baik itu datangnya dari Allah, yang buruk itu datangnya dari kita sendiri jua.