Tuesday, 5 January 2010

BGR To Finally Serve Its True Purpose

RESCO marks 2010 with a serious start as we cleaned and refurnished Bilik Gerakan RESCO (BGR). Always intended for RESCO's main meeting place, it didn't quite present itself as an ideal place to hold meetings as more than half of the space was covered with pingpong sets, unused tables and tiny bits of rubbish.
That all finally changed, however, when we decided to conduct a full throttle cleaning campaign on our beloved BGR and not to forget, PC Room earlier today.
BGR is finally BGR again (if it ever was in the state it is now). The space is used to its fullest, the room is finally serving its purpose as a, well, meeting room. With the now professional environment, it is hoped that the professional aura will spark great ideas among all the RESCO members.
Block captains' view

Chairman's view

A more professional and spacious set up

A promising start of yet more to come
To those of you who were heavily involved in revamping our BGR and PC Room, big claps and appreciation.