Thursday, 17 September 2009

Convoy Raya!

In conjunction to raya celebration this year, RESCO will continue its tradition and beraya ramai-ramai kerumah-rumah member-member nya, in ALL 4 districts! Of course the raya convoy will take few days to complete so particular dates are designated for particular districts. The Convoy InsyaAllah will be in this order:

  • 1/10/09 -Brunei Muara @ 8pm onwards
  • 2/10/09 -Belait @ 8am onwards
  • 9/10/09 -Tutong @ 8am onwards
  • Temburong will be confirmed at a later date. Ikut bila Wanie mau jua tu. Hehe..

Meeting point before bejalan will be at the Female Residential College. Please do confirm your attendance by informing Syaza or Kachik for transportation purposes.

Please do join in my RESCO brothers and sisters. We eratkan silaturrahim sesama members while having fun beraya. Thank you for your expected cooperation.

With regards, Setiausaha solo.

1 comment:

  1. aku confirmkn dulu if aku ikut or inda k..tpi high chance aku ikut n aku bawa krita jua tu...just for info.
